Resources for Ministry as We Emerge From COVID-19

Resources for Coming Back Together

Our communities and churches are in varying stages of reopening after more than a year of social distancing. As you discern what is next for your ministry, here are some resources to give you some ideas and encouragement.


What We Have Learned, What We Will Keep

Relationships are Key in the Post-Covid Church from Building Faith (April 2022)

What Young People Want Your Church to Know As You Reopen from Fuller Youth Institute (September 22, 2021)

Zoom Practices I Hope We Keep In The Return to In-Person Worship from the Christian Reformed Church in North America (July 13, 2021)

Covid Keepers: Ideas to Continue in the Post Pandemic Church from APCE’s Advocate Blog (May 10, 2021)

Gifts of a Digital Confirmation: Embracing a Family Based Model from Building Faith (April 17, 2021)

Six Lessons Learned About Faith Formation in the Midst of a Pandemic by Rodger Nishioka for the Presbyterian Outlook (March 30, 2021)

Marking One Year of Pandemic Ministry: What I’ve Learned from Building Faith (March 29, 2021)

Video Blessings: An Idea for COVID and Beyond from Building Faith (February 22, 2021)


The Mental Health Toll

How Young People’s Social Anxiety Has Worsened in the Pandemic from the New York Times (September 27, 2021)

Growing Up Just Changed with COVID-19 from Pittsburg Theological Seminary (May 11, 2021)

Teenagers are Struggling, and It’s Not Just Lockdown from the New York Times (May 4, 2021)

Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Teen Mental Health from Healthline (March 15, 2021)

The Kids Are Not All Right from the Christian Reformed Church in North America (September 21, 2020)


Opening Back Up and Hybrid Ministry

Hospitality for Online and Onsite Participants During Hybrid Formation from Building Faith (December 15, 2021)

Digital Faith Formation: 7 Practices for Intentional Gatherings from Building Faith (December 8, 2021)

How to Reflect on Our Covid Experience While We Are Still Going Through It from Building Faith (August 11, 2021)

A Second Pandemic Program Year: Finding Hand Holds from Building Faith (August 10, 2021)

Post Pandemic Pondering and Planning: A Resource for Faith Reformation from APCE and PMA’s Office of Christian Formation

Why Hybrid Is Not Just for Cars and Superhero Movies Anymore: Equipment to Put It All Together from Building Faith (May 27, 2021)

Why Hybrid Is Not Just for Car and Superhero Movies Anymore: Hybrid Formation and Discipleship Basics from Building Faith (May 25, 2021)

A Liturgy for Regathering in a Sanctuary from Building Faith (May 17, 2021)

5 Intergenerational Ideas for Making a Return to Worship After a Pandemic from the Christian Reformed Church in North America (May 11, 2021)

Hybrid Ministry: Discerning Next Steps from the Office of Christian Formation of the PC(USA) (April 29, 2021)

Prayers, Planning Resources, and a Better Normal from Christine V. Hides (April 25, 2021)

Beyond Zoom from Peer Ministry (September 8, 2020)


Taking Care of Yourself

If You Are Exhausted, Of Course You Are from Building Faith (December 1, 2021)

2 Reminders for leading through a crisis from Fuller Youth Institute (April 8, 2021)

Pandemic Ministry Burnout from Building Faith (February 24, 2021)

Pandemic Resources Archive


Tools and Platforms for Remote Ministry


House Party App (works with iOS, Android, macOS, and Chrome)-an alternative to Zoom

Netflix Party allows you to watch a show or movie on Netflix with others--includes chat function--need to use Google Chrome and everyone must have a Netflix account

Marco Polo App sends video messages back and forth allows you to play interactive games with youth while you’re on Zoom. One person needs to purchase a pack of games, but everyone else can participate.

Virtual Tech Recommendations from Ministry Architects

Articles on Remote Youth Ministry and COVID-19

Must Have Online Ministry Tools from Christine V. Hides (July 17, 2020)

16 Takeaways from the UKirk/PYWA Conversation with Presbyterian Disaster Assistance from UKirk (June 25, 2020)

This Feels Hard Because It Is from Building Faith (March 23, 2020)

Naming Loss and Gratitude with Young People from the Fuller Youth Institute (March 20, 2020)

Doing Youth Ministry During a Pandemic from the Fuller Youth Institute (March 13, 2020)


Additional Resources

Pandemic Prayerbook: A Pray-at-Home Guide for the Coronavirus Crisis complied by Darcy Wiley

Drive Through Prayer Stations for Families from Center for Youth Ministry Training

List of webinars and resources from Youth Mission Co. on continuing to engage youth in mission and justice during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Quicksheet from PC(USA) Office of Faith Formation on ideas for remote ministry with youth

Ideas on remote ministry from PYWA and Big Ideas in Youth Ministry

Creating Virtual Community

Creating Virtual Experiences Within Youth Ministry by Ashley Sutherland

Tips and Tricks for Creating Community on Zoom by Rev. abby mohaupt

A Checklist for building developmental relationships during COVID-19 from Search Institute


Games on Zoom

Virtual Team Building Games from Training Wheels - these are so good!!

Games to Play On Zoom 

Another List of Games for Zoom

Helping Teens Cope with the Pandemic

Move From Losing to Listening from Fuller Youth Institute (August 6, 2020)

Teenagers and Technology: Answers to Your Top Pandemic Questions from Fuller Youth Institute (June 25, 2020)

Covid-19 Survival Tips for Teens and Young Adults with ADHD from Psychology Today (May 8, 2020)

Tips to Help Teens Cope During COVID-19 from Mental Health First Aid (April 24, 2020)

Pandemic Parenting: Starting new with your teenagers and young adult kids from Fuller Youth Institute (April 16, 2020)

COVID-19 Is Hitting Teens Especially Hard from WIRED (April 6, 2020)

Covid-19 Pandemic, Social Distancing, and Adolescence - from Psychology Today (March 21, 2020)

Helping Teens Shelter in Place from Psychology Today (March 20, 2020)

5 Ways to Help Teens Manage Anxiety Around Coronavirus from the New York Times (March 11, 2020)

Making the ‘New Normal’ Work – How to help kids, teens, and your family through social isolation from Hey Sigmund