Resources for the Church Year


Advent Practices During Covid Times from APCE (2021)

Advent Kits Gallery from Building Faith (2021)

Advent Paper Chains from Praying in Color (2020)

Advent Prayer Beads (2020)

Advent Resources from the Salt Project (2020)

Advent Resources for Youth from Jen Kidwell (2020)


Epiphany Resources

Chalking the Door: An Epiphany Tradition from Building Faith (2011)

Visual Reflections: Epiphany from APCE’s Advocate (2019)

Guiding Stars: An Epiphany Activity at Home from Building Faith (2015)

Star Words from RevGalsBlogPals (2017)

Intergenerational Epiphany With A “To-Go” Bag from Building Faith (2019)

Family Faith Formation Resources | Epiphany from the CRCNA Network (2021)


Pentecost Resources

More Prayers, Blessings, and Resources for Pentecost from Building Faith (2024)

Pentecost Resources from Illustrated Ministries (2024)

Intergenerational Prayer Stations for Pentecost from Building Faith (2022)

Come Holy Spirit: 3 Prayers for Pentecost from Building Faith

3 Teaching Points for Pentecost from Building Faith (2021)

Sparks and Seeds: Celebrating Pentecost and the Growing Time from APCE’s Advocate (2021)

Pentecost Resources from A Sanctified Art

How to Make a Simple Pentecost Take Home Box from Traci Smith (2021)


Advent and Christmas Resources

Advent: What Are We Waiting For? from APCE (2021)

How Do We Live in Advent Hope? from APCE (2021)

Annunciation: Disruption and Invitation —An Advent series from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (2020)

Advent Roll Call from A Sanctified Art

Advent-In-A-Box from Ferncliff (2020)

What Does This Season Mean? A Handout for Advent at Home from Building Faith (2020)

Advent Resources from Illustrated Ministry

Advent materials from Storymakers NYC (2020)

Christmas For the Whole Church (socially-distanced and virtual options) from Refocus Ministry (2020)

Christmas Pageants 2020 Recorded, Zoomed, and Outside from Building Faith

Advent Word A Global Advent Calendar 


Lent and Easter Resources

Lent and Easter Home Kits from Building Faith (2021)

Anticipating Lent from APCE’s Advocate (2021)

Resources for Lent from Salt Project (2021)

3 Teaching Points for Lent from Building Faith (2020)

Lent Ideas for Your Youth Ministry from Fuller Youth Institute (2017)

Lenten Resources from Illustrated Ministry

Guiding Teenagers in Lent: Give Up on Giving Up? from Building Faith (2016)

Creating a Lenten Prayer Space at Home from Building Faith (2015)


Ordinary Time

Blessing Animals at the Zoo from Building Faith (2021)

Three Teaching Points for Trinity Sunday from Building Faith (2021)

3 Vibrant Ways to Celebrate St. Francis from the Salt Project (2020)