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General Curriculum

2024-2025 Curriculum Offerings from the PC(USA) - A digital catalog of current curriculum available from the PC(USA) Store

Building Faith’s Favorite FREE Christian Formation Resources from Building Faith

Top Picks for Youth Ministry Curriculum from Building Faith (an ecumenical list that includes some Presbyterian and some other mainline protestant publications)

Quicksheet on Choosing Youth Sunday School Curriculum from PC(USA)

Confirmation Curriculum

Big God Big Questions

PC(USA)’s Big God Big Questions: Confirmation for a Growing Faith prepares youth to understand and answer the Confirmation questions:

  • Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world

  • Who is your Lord and Savior?

  • Will you be Christ's faithful disciple obeying his word and showing his love

  • Will you devote yourself to the church's teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers?

Materials include: Teacher’s Guide, Student Journal, the Home/Mentor Guide, Video Lessons, and AMAZING Infographics. If nothing else, you need the infographic posters for your youth room!

Confirm, Not Conform

In addition to more general sessions on Scripture, church history, the Nicene Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, worship, world religions, and social justice, CnC Presbyterian includes sessions on:

  • The history and structure of the Presbyterian Church

  • The meaning of Sacraments in the Presbyterian tradition

  • The church year

  • The priesthood of all believers

Comprehensive confirmation curriculum that includes a retreat program, mentor recruitment and resources, and parent materials.

Collaborate by Sparkhouse

Each Colaborate: Presbyterian Confirmation lesson focuses on three key elements:

  • Frame the Problem – Use an infographic to set the tension for the lesson, unpacking and engaging students’ assumptions and past knowledge

  • Teaching and Learning – Equip students to interact through interaction and creativity by inviting them to draw, ask and answer questions, and share ideas with the group

  • Project and Closing – Solidify concepts through two activities—an individual writing activity and a more active group project

Changing the World: Confirmation for the Missional Church

Changing the World is not about joining the church; it’s about joining the missional project entrusted to the church. 

Requiring adolescents to join the church by professing their faith is a relic of a church concerned with its own power and survival. The focus is on institutional life rather than the call to discipleship. Changing the World shifts the emphasis from increasing membership rolls to helping teenagers claim their missional identities and vocations.

Theocademy Confirmation

Once young people learn about our God of Grace and Love, why would they not choose to be Presbyterian? It can't just be brainwashing. It has to be so much more.

Join host Jessie Light as she introduces us to the "Great Themes of the Reformed Tradition." Featuring interviews between youth and their pastors, animated segments, and a little bit of ridiculousness, students will discover the essence of what it means to be Presbyterian.

The Confirmation Project

Not a curriculum, but great resources. The Confirmation Project seeks to learn the extent to which confirmation and equivalent practices in five Protestant denominations in North America are effective for strengthening discipleship in youth. These denominations include the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the Presbyterian Church in the USA, and the United Methodist Church. It seeks to provide Christian leaders with examples of good practice and with strategies that are effective in helping young Christians grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Strengthening discipleship includes nurturing faith in Jesus Christ and facilitating youth encounters with Christian traditions (Scripture, creeds, confessions, and practices) to support lifelong Christian vocation. This project is funded by the Christian Youth: Learning and Living the Faith grant provided by the Lilly Endowment, Inc..

Sex Ed Curriculum and Resources

God’s Gift of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality and intimacy are gifts from God, foundational elements of who we are as created beings. And while God gives us the freedom to connect with others through these gifts, God expects our relationships to be expressed in loving and responsible ways. Encouraging young people to talk about sexuality and intimacy, this lesson also teaches that intimacy can be established without engaging in sex. Published by the PC(USA).

These Are Our Bodies

These Are Our Bodies addresses foundational issues for how we are called to have conversations about our sexuality within a faith community. Looking at sexuality through the lenses of growth and change, we can explore values and intentionality. Individuals and churches can use this technique to build upon this theological grounding. Age-appropriate modules for preschool through youth adults. Published by the Episcopal Church.

Our Whole Lives

Our Whole Lives helps participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior. It equips participants with accurate, age-appropriate information in six subject areas: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture. Developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. 

Sex + Faith by Kate Ott

This is not a curriculum but a book that can be used as a book study with parents and teens. Talking with your child about sex can be scary! Sex + Faith helps parents incorporate their faith values with sexuality information so they can answer questions, discuss sexuality at each stage of childhood, and show support of sexual and gender differences.