Anti-Racism Resources for Youth and Youth Leaders



Talking about Race and Privilege (Free)

This downloadable lesson is from National Association of School Psychologists. It is not faith-based, but breaks down the concept of privilege really well and allows the students an opportunity to reflect on the ways they have privilege and how that affects them.


Unify ($9.99)

Unify is a five-week curriculum series from the Youth Cartel designed to introduce teenagers to a biblical understanding of reconciliation. This biblical foundation will set them up to be reconcilers in our world for the sake of the gospel. While the content could be customized for middle school students, the concepts may best be understood and embraced by older students.


How to deconstruct racism, one headline at a time - TED Talk with Baratunde Thurston


"Baratunde Thurston explores the phenomenon of white Americans calling the police on black Americans who have committed the crimes of ... eating, walking or generally "living while black." In this profound, thought-provoking and often hilarious talk, he reveals the power of language to change stories of trauma into stories of healing -- while challenging us all to level up.” (17 minutes)

Color Blind or Color Brave? TED Talk with Mellody Hobson


“The subject of race can be very touchy. As finance executive Mellody Hobson says, it's a "conversational third rail." But, she says, that's exactly why we need to start talking about it. In this engaging, persuasive talk, Hobson makes the case that speaking openly about race — and particularly about diversity in hiring -- makes for better businesses and a better society.”


Black History Month Resources for 2023 from Building Faith (January 24, 2023)

Two Ingigenous thought leaders to inform students’ identity and belonging from Fuller Youth Institute (November 5, 2021)

Teens Teach Adults About Dismantling Racism from Building Faith (July 12, 2021)

How Asian American theology can help all young people explore identity from Fuller Youth Institute (May 12, 2021)

Engaging Teenagers in Faithful Conversations about Race from Fuller Youth Institute (November 3, 2020)

4 Spiritual Practices for the Journey Toward Anti-Racism from Fuller Youth Institute (July 9, 2020)

Step: An Opportunity to Watch and Reflect with Youth from Building Faith June 18, 2020

Don’t Be a Bystander: Resources for Those in the Movement for Change from Fuller Youth Institute (June 11, 2020)

Statement on racial violence from J. Herbert Nelson, Stated Clerk of the PC (USA)

"The recent deaths of three African Americans have once again raised concern about racial injustice across the country, including the cities where the deaths occurred. The Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) says there is work to be done.” (8 minutes)

13th by Ava DuVernay


“Combining archival footage with testimony from activists and scholars, director Ava DuVernay's examination of the U.S. prison system looks at how the country's history of racial inequality drives the high rate of incarceration in America.” Available on Netflix and YouTube— Pairs very well with The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander (100 minutes)

Unpacking the White Savior Complex from Affinity Magazine (April 21, 2019)

Carolyn B. Helsel: How can white Christians talk faithfully about racism? from Faith and Leadership (April 17, 2018)

How to Talk to Children About Racism, Prejudice, and Protests - An Age-by Age Guide from Hey Sigmund


Learn more about Juneteenth:

Plan a Virtual Juneteenth Celebration from Build Faith (May 13, 2021)

So You Want to Learn About Juneteenth? from the New York Times (June 19, 2020)

Juneteenth Celebrations Grow from Presbyterian Mission Agency (May 20, 2020)

Teaching Juneteenth from Learning for Justice (June 12, 2019)

What is Juneteenth? from African American History Blog

So You Want to Talk About Race: A Conversation with author Ijeoma Oluo


“Ijeoma Oluo is one of the most influential people in Seattle, according to Seattle Magazine. She's also the Editor-At-Large at The Establishment - a media platform run and funded by women.

She discusses why it's so hard talk about race and why we must do it anyway”. (50 minutes)

How Racial Bias Works — And How to Disrupt it TED Talk with Jennifer Eberhardt


“Our brains create categories to make sense of the world, recognize patterns and make quick decisions. But this ability to categorize also exacts a heavy toll in the form of unconscious bias. In this powerful talk, psychologist Jennifer L. Eberhardt explores how our biases unfairly target Black people at all levels of society -- from schools and social media to policing and criminal justice -- and discusses how creating points of friction can help us actively interrupt and address this troubling problem.” (14 minutes)


Racial Justice Resources from the PC(USA)

Network for Dismantling Racism from the Synod of the Sun

Matthew 25 Resources from the PC(USA)